Sunday, November 12, 2017

Online Safety For Tutors

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The Internet is in general quite useful, it's widely agreed! However, as an on-line tutor there are a few safety issues to be mindful of, just as there are with any on-line service involving video calling.

We have just a few frank pointers for all people starting on-line businesses which involve video contact with clients.

  • At Delphi we filter any nonsense out before sending requests on to tutors as far as is possible, however, there are some strange people out there!
  • Chat with any prospective client before agreeing to a video meeting. Ask specific questions about their learning goals to assess if they are legitimate.
  • We understand that as you start out a business all clients are very valuable so it can be hard to turn anyone away. However, follow your intuition, if something seems off at all, question it before going forwards and feel free to flag anything questionable with us if you are a Delphi Tutor affiliate.
  • The internet is a place where some people think they are anonymous more than they really are. We believe it's a good idea to keep this in mind when starting any new client relationship on any platform.
  • Never give out any personal information, location information or banking information unless it's actually unavoidable and to someone you trust.
It's a pity that any of this needs to be said. But it does. There are some creepy weirdos on the internet and it's important to stay safe.