Sunday, June 11, 2017

How to find quality clients and set up an effective operation

So, you're convinced and you've decided to tutor during grad school. Now you need clients. In this and many subsequent posts, I'm going to share my experience of finding and managing high-quality clients.

There are really three main factors in being able to fully and completely nail your tutoring set up:
  1. Being among the best results-based tutors around.
  2. Being able to prove it.
  3. Having excellent personal branding and correctly targeted marketing.
This series of blog posts and the forthcoming Delphi Tutors video series are all designed to help you solve each of these problems. Heads up: shameless plugs for our company will be in this blog series here and there. This is because we genuinely believe our ethos and services can best help you to win far more effectively than many other tutor sites who would prefer to scrape off a few dollars in connection fees rather than truly being on your side to help you succeed. Of course, our various content series are available even if you decide not to join Delphi Tutors and we hope everyone can benefit from our material.

We really believe our advice is the best. Most of the founders at Delphi Tutors have highly succeeded with their tutoring businesses while getting Ph.Ds in top grad schools in several different countries. We largely did this by trial and error, and want to share the experience to help you optimize right from the start.

Getting all three of the above points right can be the difference between a moderately enjoyable time making $40-$50 per hour, 2-3 times a week, to making $100-$200 per hour with clients you really enjoy teaching most nights in your own space (or somewhere close by or even online). It's really about finding what's going to work best in your specific situation and taking all the opportunities that present themselves. More to follow soon...

#tutor #whyitutor #whydelphi

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